Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Coyotes are members of the canine family. In shape and size, the coyote is kind of like a medium-sized Collie, but its bushy, round tail is carried out below its back. These animals are found in deserts and valleys. When measured, they weigh about twenty pounds, less than half of the coyote's mountain kin, who weigh about fifty pounds. The higher the elevation, the darker, thicker, and longer the fur is, but the under parts are white. Some species have white-tipped tails. The tail is a threat. It becomes bushier and turns sideways when the coyote displays aggression. Their hearing is very good and is used for finding food and avoiding predators.The nose is very important as well. The coyote's sense of smell is very developed and helps it to smell carrion and the territories of other coyotes. Last, but not least, the feet have five digits and the coyotes only walk on their toes. That means they are digitigrades.
There are eight other species of Canis. There are jackals, gray wolves, red wolves, and all the domestic dogs.
Usually, coyotes dig their own den, but sometimes find a natural hole or a badger hole and make it bigger. The coyote tries to hide its den, but because of the path that leads away from the dens they are easy to find. These animals use the holes to give birth to their pups and to sleep. Coyotes do not hibernate during the winter like some animals do.
The scientific name for coyote means "Barking Dog." It is Canis latrans.
What do they eat?
Having the ability to eat anything it can chew, the coyote is a cunning hunter and an opportunistic scavenger. The coyote can run up to 40 mph, and combine its abilities with one or two others when they are running down their prey. Coyotes can eat insects, arachnids, rabbits, deer, big horn sheep, chickens, and sheep. They also may eat household pets such as cats and dogs.
Depredation, killing coyotes because they are harmful, has become common in ranching areas. Ranchers fear for their wildlife.Also, since the coyote's fur has become so valuable, man became their main predator. They are scared of us, because we are the dominant species. Also, another reason is that we can eat almost anything we want, including them.

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