Sunday, October 24, 2010

All Gave Some: Some Gave All! PFC JORDON BYRD, US ARMY

Would like to take a moment to show my respect to a fallen Conrad In Arms, PFC Jordon Byrd

For those who were unaware of the sacrifices we are still making, LET FREEDOM RING
And may we NEVER FORGET those who guaranteed the freedoms we now have, and the many sacrafices made, that we will always be, as we have always been, FREE!
May you Rest in Peace Jordan, A fellow Conrad in Arms,
Sgt Keebler, US. Army,

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


(1) Yes, U can BAIT for coyotes, 1 rule though, bait cannot be from a protected species ie:
U cannot use deer, antelope, moose, elk, etc, (protected species)
2) U can use bait such as Rabbits, other coyote carcass', rodents,chicken's, etc!

3) There is a $25 bounty on coyotes as of last yr, was raised! / I am also trying to follow-up on any updates in matter of $25 dollar bounty
4) U can turn in carcass for hide and bounty, Info from Tooele Co. Game warden

MY Email is

Yes, we do have openings for the hunt club, if ya interested, contact me via; E-mail
WE conduct Hunts, camp-hunts, meetings, hunt contests, classes (hunting class, cpr, first aid,
Calling, tracking, (I am a volunteer search & rescue)
We (I) do not allow ANY alcohol or drug use in hunting club activities!
I am also starting a new outfitters business ( In progress)