Thursday, April 7, 2011

Electronic call Reviews/ One of Three

Primo's Power Dogg

Price: approx $189.00

Well, I bought my first one 2 yrs ago, in that year I owned 3, and used it a great deal! So I hope you will take ALL comments for what they are. My opinion based on owning and actually using in various conditions, times, and over a 2 year period! Some were in extreme cold (most were), some in mild conditions, and numerous times, during snow fall, and rain! Yes, RAIN!

Well, first the PRO'S;

First it is wireless, I for one don’t want a 50ft or what ever length wire running from call to me!

The quality of the sound (realism) is the best of the 3 brands I own! (other 2 TBA in other reviews)

Coloring is easily enough to conceal as is, but as u will see, I used cloth cammo tape to break-up the silhouette!

Volume is for me plenty loud enough, as I have called in coyotes on a number of times from over 500 yrds, maybe further!

With the 12 sounds it has pre programmed, there is a good selection! Main howls, distress are available, and you can have great results with them! But I just cant find a use for the snow geese option!

Battery life has not been a problem once, and I cant say enough good for the extra battery pack for the caller itself! On the rare occasion I think batteries are low, I just open caller, remove battery pack, and slide in other battery pack, close compartment, and I am done! No looking for loose batteries, and both battery packs are from what I can tell also water proof-resistant. A BIG plus for me!

The caller as well as the remote have proven themselves time after time to be weather resistant!

As I said, I hunt in extreme cold, snow,(heavy at times), and been caught in the rain a time or 16!

Not once has the weather prevented the caller from functioning!

OK, now for their CONS,

Well, as I also said in beginning, in one year, I went thru 3. Now for the why!

After I purchased my first one, I found the REMOTE wouldn’t work past 5 feet away!(bought at a retailer in town), 2nd one I bought from amazon, had same identical problem. 3rd (which I still have) I ordered directly from Primo's! SAME PROBLEM! Seems their Remote just wont work past 10 feet at best!

The sounds are what you get, and stuck with, you cannot change, add, or subtract in any way!

The mic, as is built, is also as is, you cannot add-plug in a second speaker(or anything else)

Well, the remote is my only real complaint for this electronic caller that I have! And I must say, for the price would be hard to go wrong! For those who cant do or use the mouth calls, and money is your biggest issue,


Now to clarify myself on a few things. As I said, I still have mine, and I still use it; as I will continue to do so. Why? Well for one as I said, the quality,realism is awesome, and I can use it from a very short distance, and it also helps in variations of sounds. I combine it with the mouth calls( I only have 27 for now) hmm, or is it 37, geesh, time to do a count again!

And on another note: it is rugged enough to withstand ME, ya better believe its durable! I am hard on things, and the environment I hunt in is hard as well! Also with the other 2 I returned, wanted to ad that Primo's warranty, and service was in my opinion very refreshingly awesome. Not once did any Representative question me. Simply said a replacement was en route! THAT'S SERVICE FOLKS! Try that with the new car ya just bought!

Hope this helps in your search for information. There will many more reviews to come on other calls; Electronic, mouth calls, weapons, scopes, binoculars, seats,chairs,cammo,shooting sticks,and so much more. So please stay tuned, patient, and stop by often.

And be assured of this, ALL REVIEWS are from my own personal experience of products I have used, owned, self tried & tested!

Sincerely: Bill, th3hunt3r-Founder & President

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